Diabetes Diary

Beetis app is designed to simplify the process of collecting and monitoring diabetics' data


Bolus Wizard

Calculate bolus insulin by means of Bolus Wizard during meal

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Your questions will be answered. We are constantly updating our FAQ. If you did not find an answer - drop us an email!

Main data entry screen can be configured as you like. Click on the "gear" button in the upper right corner and select indicators you are interested in, e.g. "Weight" and "Calories". You can even change the sequence of indicators by changing their places in the settings.

User enters data in the app and allows Observers to monitor this data.

E.g., the child with diabetes could be a User, while his parents could be Observers.

User may configure notification and reminder rules according to his will, while Observer's notification rules are based on User's events.

E.g., a kid forgot to enter glucose measurement during his lunch, and his mother will receive a corresponding notification.

Observer can see: User's nickname, medical parameters, measurements history, User's charts and stats, User's subscription status and expiration date.

Observer cannot see any personal data like User's e-mail, name, surname, sex or application settings.

Yes, they can. In order to make this happen, User should allow Observer to make such kind of records. Observer can also delete or change existing User' records.

BU is the “Bread Unit” used in a number of countries to calculate carbohydrates. It is called so because one cut of bread (1 BU) contains approximately 10 - 12 grams of carbohydrates.

You may specify your own BU convertion factor. Enter the "Profile" → "Parameters" section and put your own value into the "Number of carbs in 1 BU" field. All product cards and measurement data will be converted automatically.

If you enter into your account during web-site usage, you'll see the proper convertion in the "Food Database" section as well.

You can edit any food card as you need. This change will be applied for your account only.

If you noticed any major error in the product components - drop us an e-mail support@beetis.io, but kindly remember that product composition is approximate and may differ by tens of percent for the same product from different manufacturers.

Still Have Questions? Look in FAQ or in User Manuals

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The app is available on Android

Beetis for Android

All Android devices from 5.5
